  • DC-9 Classic Manuals

    The DC-9 Classic manuals are now available as free downloads. If you would like to have a look at the User Manual (product details and features) or the Aircraft Operating Manual (operations and system descriptions) to see what the DC-9 Classic is all about or maybe get a head start on your type rating on the DC-9, please feel free to download them here.

  • DC-9 Classic Overhead Panel

    Let's take a look at the overhead panel! "Hell yeah!", I hear you say. It is after all the nerve center of the aircraft. Nothing goes in the aircraft until you consult the overhead panel first.

  • Future Flightsim: Part 1 - Prepar3D


    I was recently ask why Coolsky doesn't develop for and support Lockheed Martin's Prepar3D flight simulator. The discussion quickly turned into one about the future of flight simming since P3D is often held up as the future of flight simming. I will try to explain here why I don't develop for or support P3D, and why I don't think it is the future of flight simming.

This FMS Tutorial will give you a guided step-by-step introduction to the Super 80 Pro FMS and how to use it.

Written by John Goodwin.

(Word and PDF documents)



Download: FMS Tutorial


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Blog Posts

  • FSX vs P3D: The Rematch


    FSX, Prepar3D, X-Plane – who won the battle for flightsim supremacy last year? It has been said that “there are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics”. With that in mind, let’s have a look at the 2014 Avsim Demographic Survey.

  • Full Flight Tutorial Videos


    Mike Dart of ProFsxVideos on Youtube has posted a comprehensive and detailed four-part full flight video series featuring the DC-9 Classic. Mike takes us along on a short range flight in the DC-9 Classic from Hannover to Nuremberg, Germany.

  • Stavanger - Tromsø in the DC-9


    Join Matthias Hanel on this flight report as he flies the DC-9 Classic from Stavanger in southern Norway all the way up to the far north for a landing in snowy Tromsø.

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